kshibano: P1180334
kshibano: P1180337
kshibano: P1180339
kshibano: P1180340
kshibano: Lion eating a bowl of ramen
kshibano: P1180354
kshibano: P1180356
kshibano: P1180364
kshibano: "It appears to be a gift."
kshibano: Handmade birdies
kshibano: It's a SWADDLING CLOTH!
kshibano: Apparently, the IT toy of the season.
kshibano: Showing off the goods
kshibano: P1180380
kshibano: P1180386
kshibano: Oh look at that orchid over there...
kshibano: Gift from the husband
kshibano: Lounging hostess and disinterested cat
kshibano: Baby shower + monster piñata + fireplace poker = wholesome fun
kshibano: Ariana taunts holder of metal stick
kshibano: Historically accurate hat
kshibano: Mom-to-be whacks monster
kshibano: Eye gouging
kshibano: User-generated bibs
kshibano: Tania's ladies with party hats
kshibano: Tania's ladies
kshibano: Laughs
kshibano: Candles with built-in wishes
kshibano: James' Wurlitzer
kshibano: Best friends