kshibano: The bags kind of ruined the shot.
kshibano: Sun, sand and beer
kshibano: Roscoe!
kshibano: Enjoying the sun
kshibano: Sunscreen time
kshibano: Beach fun!
kshibano: Dad takes a lunch break
kshibano: Cubs fan
kshibano: Dude
kshibano: Commence petting session
kshibano: Heavy bird action
kshibano: At the beach
kshibano: Eric & Jack
kshibano: Getting a bit cold
kshibano: Mulling over pretend soup
kshibano: Ryan dips his toes in the water
kshibano: Breaking wood and creating a fire
kshibano: Pelicans in flight
kshibano: Keep those shoes clean
kshibano: Bird caught mid-sing
kshibano: What's she doing over there?
kshibano: Thacker in a familiar shot