kshibano: Grandparents' Wedding Portrait
kshibano: Misako & Hideichi
kshibano: My grandparens on the right. Not sure who the others are.
kshibano: My grandmother's sister's wedding portrait
kshibano: Grandfather on the upper left; aunt on the lower left?
kshibano: Dad and grandmother in the middle
kshibano: My grandfather
kshibano: Grandfather and dad
kshibano: Grandma & Dad
kshibano: Grandma & Dad
kshibano: Grandma & Dad on the right
kshibano: Dad and grandparents
kshibano: Dad and grandmoher in the middle
kshibano: Grandma & Dad in the middle
kshibano: Dad and grandfather
kshibano: My dad
kshibano: My father
kshibano: My father agin
kshibano: Great-grandmother and grandmother