kshibano: View from our cabin
kshibano: Inside our tent cabin
kshibano: IMG_5534
kshibano: Behind the lot
kshibano: Narrow ramp
kshibano: Steps that lead to nowhere
kshibano: Wha??
kshibano: The flag post glows in various colors at night!
kshibano: Hose support
kshibano: Trailer neighborhood
kshibano: Surveying the property
kshibano: "This place could use more trees."
kshibano: Desolate landscape
kshibano: Fog on the other side
kshibano: Group self portrait
kshibano: Dandelion fluff
kshibano: Eric and the view of Palo Alto
kshibano: I'm flying!
kshibano: Dry grass
kshibano: Eric and plane
kshibano: Self portrait
kshibano: Driving down a winding road
kshibano: Jesus protest
kshibano: Scary Michelin man
kshibano: Kite Surfing
kshibano: At the WINDY beach
kshibano: Sun and sand
kshibano: Bee and flower on the side of the freeway
kshibano: Marshland
kshibano: Kite surfing 2