kshibano: Beer toss
kshibano: That's me.
kshibano: Prepping for cupcake eating and beer drinking contest
kshibano: Contest spectators
kshibano: Cupcake & Beer consuming winners
kshibano: Contest silver medalists
kshibano: Watching and recycling
kshibano: New event: pyramid
kshibano: Pyramid base
kshibano: Mark takes a picture
kshibano: Looking for pyramid volunteers
kshibano: Potential pyramid participants
kshibano: Pyramid onlookers and the recycling lady
kshibano: Getting away with the loot
kshibano: Pyramid construction
kshibano: Good clean pyramid fun
kshibano: 80% complete
kshibano: Video: building a human pyramid
kshibano: After the pyramid collapse
kshibano: End of events
kshibano: Hooded fella
kshibano: Are you taking another picture?
kshibano: Eric's landscape shot
kshibano: Lindsay laughs
kshibano: Lindsay talks on fake phone
kshibano: Lindsay looks around
kshibano: Lindsay finishes it off.
kshibano: Afterparty
kshibano: Mark and his "cooler"
kshibano: Thumbs up