kshibano: Eric eats @ Mister Donut
kshibano: Kayo's donut meal
kshibano: Hiroko @ Mister Donut
kshibano: From the back of the bus
kshibano: Our Tour Bus Guide
kshibano: Kayo on the tour bus
kshibano: Tour guide leads us to the Imperial Garden
kshibano: Construction Zone Traffic Robot
kshibano: Imperial building
kshibano: Imperial Moat
kshibano: This way for Imperial stuff
kshibano: Imperial stone wall
kshibano: Imperial hinge
kshibano: Imperial admission ticket
kshibano: IMG_3835
kshibano: IMG_3836
kshibano: IMG_3832
kshibano: Green cherry blossoms
kshibano: IMG_1132
kshibano: Terrible shot taken by stranger
kshibano: More imperial wall
kshibano: IMG_3837
kshibano: Tour guide tells us stuff
kshibano: What Kayo sees while tour guide speaks
kshibano: Atsuko pays attention to tour guide
kshibano: Blocking the sun and pollen
kshibano: IMG_3847
kshibano: IMG_3844
kshibano: IMG_3834
kshibano: Eric admires the imperial stone corner