_StrangeCharm: Gearing up for the Great Smokies last weekend. Love my new Exos pack!
_StrangeCharm: Sweet Peas Hostel
_StrangeCharm: High Wire Brewery
_StrangeCharm: High Wire Brewery
_StrangeCharm: Next stop. Green Man Brewery.
_StrangeCharm: Wicked Weed
_StrangeCharm: Adventure hat.
_StrangeCharm: Putin on the Ritz
_StrangeCharm: Sweet Peas Hostel, Asheville
_StrangeCharm: Little bear.
_StrangeCharm: Decided to chug an Old Chub on nitro before we start.
_StrangeCharm: We stopped at Oskar Blues on the way to Asheville. Glad we did.
_StrangeCharm: Apheloria virginiensis
_StrangeCharm: Wasn't even phased by our presence.
_StrangeCharm: Abram Falls
_StrangeCharm: Lunch at Abram Falls
_StrangeCharm: Female Dobsonfly
_StrangeCharm: Camp site
_StrangeCharm: On the hike out. Le tired.
_StrangeCharm: Smoky woods
_StrangeCharm: Ashville-Smokies-2
_StrangeCharm: Rabbit Creek Trail