Kavingate: KITTEH!!
Kavingate: Hedgehog
Kavingate: Ole Miss Dude
Kavingate: This is what happens to modeling chocolate when you accidentally leave the AC off for a week...
Kavingate: Ben's Mango
Kavingate: Gruffalo
Kavingate: Gruffalo
Kavingate: Star Wars Unicorn Cake!
Kavingate: Pegasus!
Kavingate: To Kill an, um...Owl
Kavingate: The nose ring was so tiny, I almost couldn't get it to stick!
Kavingate: Every heavy metal guy needs a pink poodle with a mohawk and spiked collar, right?
Kavingate: Modeling chocolate figures
Kavingate: It's a uuuuuuuuuunicorn!!!!! And it is pink! And white! And it has a flower! Yay!!!
Kavingate: Golf Bag
Kavingate: Cutie Patootie Star!
Kavingate: Baby Chucks!!!
Kavingate: Angelina Ballerina Topper
Kavingate: Blue & Red Fairies
Kavingate: Purple Fairy
Kavingate: Yellow & Pink Fairies
Kavingate: Green Fairy
Kavingate: White Fairy
Kavingate: Rapunzel Cake
Kavingate: Them are some teeny shoes!