Kavey: Hippo, as requested by Lil. aka Kavey in the bath at Elsa's Kopje, Meru, Kenya
Kavey: Hippo, as requested by Lil
Kavey: Kavey in the bath at Saruni Camp, Samburu, Kenya
Kavey: Samburu Lioness
Kavey: Baby Elephants
Kavey: Pete communing with his cousins...
Kavey: On our little Air Kenya Twin Otter plane from Meru to Samburu
Kavey: Our cottage at Elsa's Kopje
Kavey: Lilac Breasted Roller
Kavey: Another lilac breasted roller
Kavey: Baby rhino with adults behind it
Kavey: Elephant, Meru National Park, Kenya
Kavey: Hippo Cuteness!
Kavey: Pete on safari, Kenya 2008
Kavey: Goshawk, Kenya, 2008
Kavey: Kenya, Africa 2008
Kavey: Baby Ele Sheldrick Orphanage, Nairobi
Kavey: Eles at Sheldrick Orphanage, Nairobi
Kavey: Eles at Sheldrick Ele Orphanage, Nairobi, Kenya
Kavey: Eles at Sheldrick Ele Orphanage, Nairobi, Kenya
Kavey: KenyaAfrica2008-0388
Kavey: Pete with those giraffes again
Kavey: Pete with those giraffes again