wrap your troubles in dreams...: Running ducks moving in
wrap your troubles in dreams...: Inspecting their new home
wrap your troubles in dreams...: The gagas out and about
wrap your troubles in dreams...: Gagas and Babab (Ducks and a chicken)
wrap your troubles in dreams...: Some more Gaga watching...
wrap your troubles in dreams...: Buildig a Gaga pond
wrap your troubles in dreams...: First running duck eggs ever!
wrap your troubles in dreams...: Die neuen laufenten ziehen ein
wrap your troubles in dreams...: Can you find the ducklings?
wrap your troubles in dreams...: 4 cute little inian runners
wrap your troubles in dreams...: The gagas taking a bath
wrap your troubles in dreams...: Someone went unser the fence and took one of the running ducks. No feathers, nothing left behind
wrap your troubles in dreams...: Whoever took the duck, left trails in the gras
wrap your troubles in dreams...: Our imitiate fix for the whole under the fence... Will have to come up with something permanent