wrap your troubles in dreams...: Taking on a new part of the garden that was rented out until now
wrap your troubles in dreams...: Small garden house in the new garden
wrap your troubles in dreams...: Inside the gardenhouse
wrap your troubles in dreams...: View from the gardenhouse
wrap your troubles in dreams...: Next to the big weeping willow
wrap your troubles in dreams...: A deutzia and a magnolia
wrap your troubles in dreams...: Huge overgrown hedge towards oir propperty
wrap your troubles in dreams...: Overgrown borders left of the gardenhouse
wrap your troubles in dreams...: Blackberries climbing over and next to the garden house
wrap your troubles in dreams...: Under the weeping willow tree
wrap your troubles in dreams...: View towards the neighbours
wrap your troubles in dreams...: Where we want to make a gate and access to the new garden