katybird: #strawberries #Wimbledon #heatwave
katybird: Ten little duckies, all in a row (ok they're cygnets) #regentscanal #kingscross
katybird: Last night's opening volleys #london #storm
katybird: Remembering 7/7 @ King's Cross Station
katybird: Wreaths for 7/7 @ King's Cross
katybird: 7/7 wreaths @ King's Cross
katybird: Flag at half mast for 7/7 @ King's Cross
katybird: Yvette Cooper in morning conference @ Guardian
katybird: Mrs Jennings knows where she stands #Greece #SenseAndSensibility
katybird: Pastel pink
katybird: Computers have been dreaming abut flowers #dreamdeeply dreamdeeply.com
katybird: Fair to say E has a doodling style #princessphase #ellagram #doodles
katybird: Passion
katybird: #keeptheban
katybird: All the fun of the fair
katybird: Run Ella Run
katybird: Happy Saturday #HarperLee #GoSetAWatchman #guardian
katybird: Rejoice! OH brought dates back from a trip to Saudi
katybird: Love this girl #ellagram
katybird: Love looking through old magazines at work #1984 #boygeorge
katybird: Want one #pineapples #Paperchase
katybird: This painted bronze of Sir Tim Berners-Lee by Sean Henry is incredible
katybird: Old school 20p mixes @ Hardy's sweet shop (considerably more than 20p)