katybird: St John the Evangelist, Archway
katybird: Bookshelves
katybird: Into the Woods
katybird: Into the Woods at Regent's Park open-air theatre
katybird: Open wings...
katybird: Spot the iguana
katybird: Eyeing us up
katybird: Definitely not plastic
katybird: Chilling out
katybird: Same butterfly with open wings
katybird: Leaf-like butterfly
katybird: ...closed wings
katybird: Butterflies #1
katybird: Butterflies #2
katybird: South of Kilburn graffiti
katybird: Getting sleepy
katybird: Holly plays mother
katybird: Lucy soaks up the atmosphere
katybird: Afternoon tea
katybird: Just like my mum's sideboard, circa 1983
katybird: Want one. Of everything.
katybird: Dodgy neighbours
katybird: Drink, Shop & Do
katybird: Mark has a Preston moment
katybird: The Observer is all about scandal