Katt Aurora: Lamp & Sofa: a study in light and form
Katt Aurora: Puss and Boots
Katt Aurora: Consuetudo pro lege servatur
Katt Aurora: Bonzai 盆栽
Katt Aurora: Early morning light
Katt Aurora: Art over Function
Katt Aurora: Sunday Morning Coffee Break
Katt Aurora: Impressions of Z&A
Katt Aurora: So, that got weird...
Katt Aurora: Breakfast first...
Katt Aurora: Shyness
Katt Aurora: ain't got no body...
Katt Aurora: Listening to SIlence
Katt Aurora: Ars Gratia Artis (Art For Art's Sake)
Katt Aurora: Still trying to fig--ure this one out
Katt Aurora: Nostalgia
Katt Aurora: Quantum of Phantasie
Katt Aurora: The Library
Katt Aurora: Tears in Rain
Katt Aurora: The Standoff
Katt Aurora: Neither one thing nor the other
Katt Aurora: Modesty
Katt Aurora: There is a place where summer never dies
Katt Aurora: Just one more for nostalgia's sake
Katt Aurora: Musical Jolly Chimp
Katt Aurora: A Cup of Tea
Katt Aurora: Satori: a Japanese Buddhist term for awakening, "comprehension; understanding"
Katt Aurora: Tuning in, tuning on