Katorina: 080513AA
Katorina: Here's Kim and Pam as they work on their Michael DeMeng projects at ArtUnraveled.
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Katorina: Sister Curse as she readies her dolls and parts for her Vehicular Varmints play project.
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Katorina: Michael DeMeng shows how to use a new product called Kroma Crackle to create a broken, vintagey surface.
Katorina: Kim Birdsall and Michael DeMeng share a laugh as he demonstrates amazing painting recipes.
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Katorina: Pam O'Neil to the left, Kim Birdsall to the right, at work at Michael DeMeng's Vehicular Varmints class.
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Katorina: Here's my spidery-dinosaury barbi golf cart in more of the beginning stages. There is Much to do!
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Katorina: Pam and Kim concentrate while engaged in side by side play. lol
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Katorina: Christine concentrates on her little skeletal baby.
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Katorina: Some of the finished products!