Katorina: This liquor store is a mile or two outside Colorado City.
Katorina: Colorado City/Hildale. Home of the Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints.
Katorina: Inhabitants are better known as the FLDS.
Katorina: You can barely see a woman in her prairie dress up on the balcony.
Katorina: Colorado City has very wide streets, most of them dirt.
Katorina: All the boys and men have to wear long sleeved shirts and keep the collar buttoned up.
Katorina: Here's a woman going into the post office. I guess the FLDS is looser than some religions, at least the women can drive (if their husband/father lets them).
Katorina: The FLDS controls the towns of Hildale and Colorado City. This maybe the only outside governmental influence in town.
Katorina: It has a nice rural, ranchy feel.
Katorina: There are lots of wide open spaces in Hildale/Colorado City.
Katorina: These two towns are surrounded by mountains. Why are the streets so wide?
Katorina: There are some trailers sprinkled throughout the two towns. Here was a little enclave.
Katorina: Colorado City is an odd assortment of mostly big houses, a few mansions and some trailers.
Katorina: And LOTS of big fences. They don't appreciate outsiders and will let you know it.
Katorina: The houses cover a wide range of appearance, some nice, many struggling for adequacy.
Katorina: This is a more 'normal' looking abode. It's large but not huge, and it's finished as well as landscaped.
Katorina: There aren't many stone houses up in Colorado City, mostly what look like wood and stucco.
Katorina: This is a Super Fancy house. It's very well done, wonder who lives in it?
Katorina: This another view of the fancy house in the last picture. There is no other house in town that I saw with such elaborate decorative touches. Wonder why this one is so different?
Katorina: All that is yellow is one house.
Katorina: Aren't they afraid someone might climb underneath the fence?
Katorina: Bad picture of big fence.
Katorina: Another wide street.
Katorina: Here's a pretty normal looking house except for the 12 foot or so fence around it.
Katorina: The town is spread out around the edges and more compact towards the center.
Katorina: Here is Colorado City, Az/Hildale, UT as seen from Highway 59 on the way to Hurricane, UT.
Katorina: There are many Large houses in Colorado City. Polygamist families can get mighty big, they need space.
Katorina: Wonder how many people live in this compound?
Katorina: Many of the houses remain unfinished, something about the tax code...
Katorina: House that's big enough to be an apartment building.