Here's a woman going into the post office. I guess the FLDS is looser than some religions, at least the women can drive (if their husband/father lets them).
The FLDS controls the towns of Hildale and Colorado City. This maybe the only outside governmental influence in town.
Colorado City is an odd assortment of mostly big houses, a few mansions and some trailers.
This is a more 'normal' looking abode. It's large but not huge, and it's finished as well as landscaped.
There aren't many stone houses up in Colorado City, mostly what look like wood and stucco.
This another view of the fancy house in the last picture. There is no other house in town that I saw with such elaborate decorative touches. Wonder why this one is so different?
Here is Colorado City, Az/Hildale, UT as seen from Highway 59 on the way to Hurricane, UT.
There are many Large houses in Colorado City. Polygamist families can get mighty big, they need space.