Katorina: Musical Instrument Museum (MIM) in Scottsdale, AZ
Katorina: I love the way people use whatever is at their disposal. We are an innovative species.
Katorina: Lamellaphone
Katorina: New idea for all your leftover beer caps! Gourd acts as a resonator.
Katorina: Looks like a cross between a guitar and a lamellaphone. Those are saw blades on the large instrument.
Katorina: The Musical Instrument Museum has displays devoted to famous singers, too.
Katorina: The back of Linda Rondstadt's suit celebrating her hispanic heritage.
Katorina: Our AZ girl! I love her spanish album Canciones de mi Padre.
Katorina: Little Richard ain't got nothing on El Vez!
Katorina: My favorite exhibits at the MIM were the ones that showed how things were made and/or used.
Katorina: This is the restoration lab. I'll bet that would be satisfying work.
Katorina: Unfortunately, the work woman didn't have any hot projects going.
Katorina: My favorite displays were the primitive, scary totems and instruments.
Katorina: Wonder if that's human hair on the face? Wonder if it was given voluntarily?
Katorina: Many instruments were anthropormorphic.
Katorina: Beautifully, intricate clothing.
Katorina: Looks like a shrunken head!
Katorina: Looks like a Voodoo guitar. Wonder how long it could sit on the street before someone Dared to steal it?
Katorina: I'll bet this rattle could scare away ANY evil spirits!
Katorina: So much effort went into making some of these instruments.
Katorina: The Kundi on the right looks like a Voodoo doll from here!
Katorina: The Musical Instrument Museum have lots of displays that play the music made by the instruments featured, or at least the music of that region.
Katorina: Lamellaphone with legs to help you keep the beat.
Katorina: I love the textures on this African drum.
Katorina: Details of a harp like African instrument. Notice the squashed bottle caps (ooops! just learned they're cowrey shells!) that have been integrated into the design.
Katorina: What beautiful colors and surface texture.
Katorina: There is a great amount of overlap in types of instruments from around the world.
Katorina: Another African harp-like instrument.
Katorina: Panamanian Party Wear!
Katorina: Decorated Lamellaphone. This is usually played with your thumbs.