Popsicle Girl: monumental cat
Popsicle Girl: monumental cat 2
Popsicle Girl: Chi ( i would consider this to be portrait )
Popsicle Girl: the white swan
Popsicle Girl: can catfish lend their whiskers to cats in emergency situations?
Popsicle Girl: Stop taking pictures of the monkey!
Popsicle Girl: Dogzilla
Popsicle Girl: Fluffy Stuff
Popsicle Girl: I'm unbelievably straight-forward
Popsicle Girl: Who's the big guy in the tank?
Popsicle Girl: Celebrating Her Quinceanera
Popsicle Girl: Butterfly Baths with Bananas
Popsicle Girl: Black Eye, Blue Eye
Popsicle Girl: The Bookstore Feline
Popsicle Girl: Furry Friends Club
Popsicle Girl: 17th Century Meow [Part Two]
Popsicle Girl: 17th Century Meow [Part One]