katinthecupboard: 1930 airplane types
katinthecupboard: Dedication from Red Eagle
katinthecupboard: Using the glider to spot the fugitives
katinthecupboard: The famous Wright whirlwind motor
katinthecupboard: The Autogiro
katinthecupboard: Sail Flying incidents
katinthecupboard: Empennage
katinthecupboard: An ace comes to visit
katinthecupboard: The Magic of Motorless Flight
katinthecupboard: Thunderation Elm
katinthecupboard: frontispiece to Billy Bunny's Fortune ill by M.W. Enright
katinthecupboard: Billy Bunny and Slinky Minky by the stream ill by M.W. Enright
katinthecupboard: And mother fanned herself with a plantain leaf ill by M.W. Enright
katinthecupboard: "Good-by!" ill by M.W. Enright
katinthecupboard: Billy Bunny's family is so large that breakfast spills over to next page ill by M.W. Enright
katinthecupboard: Billy Bunny's endpapers ill by M.W. Enright
katinthecupboard: The Queen of Hearts, she made some tarts
katinthecupboard: Old Mother Goose
katinthecupboard: Dickory, dickory dock, The mouse ran up the clock
katinthecupboard: And just then a gust of wind picked up the parasol
katinthecupboard: The dolls found themselves going up and up to the moon
katinthecupboard: Kernel Cob and Little Miss Sweetflower title page
katinthecupboard: Kernel Cob and Sweetclover backcover
katinthecupboard: Thank heavens for these dolls!
katinthecupboard: Pigeons are like people
katinthecupboard: Jackie! Peggs!
katinthecupboard: And they set sail in a wooden shoe
katinthecupboard: He clung to the mast and tried to be brave
katinthecupboard: How did they stay so fresh?