katinthecupboard: A new little baby brother Pictures by Ruth Caroline Eger
katinthecupboard: Helping by being quiet and good Pictures by Ruth Caroline Eger
katinthecupboard: Dusting the chairs Pictures by Ruth Caroline Eger
katinthecupboard: Drying forks and spoons Pictures by Ruth Caroline Eger
katinthecupboard: I-Like-to-Help title page Pictures by Ruth Caroline Eger
katinthecupboard: Teddy learns to apply the brakes Pictures by Ruth Caroline Eger
katinthecupboard: The bicycle teaches Teddy a lesson Pictures by Ruth Caroline Eger
katinthecupboard: Bad. bad bicycle! ill by Ruth Caroline Eger
katinthecupboard: Teddy was very, very happy. ill by Ruth Caroline Eger
katinthecupboard: Teddy ill by Ruth Caroline Eger
katinthecupboard: Mister Yours-Too; Pictures by Ruth Caroline Eger
katinthecupboard: The sunbeam elf; Pictures by Ruth Caroline Eger
katinthecupboard: Mine! Pictures by Ruth Caroline Eger
katinthecupboard: He had every toy he wanted, and more, too. Pictures by Ruth Caroline Eger
katinthecupboard: Mister Me-and-Mine; Pictures by Ruth Caroline Eger
katinthecupboard: A penny for a lollypop Pictures by Ruth Caroline Eger
katinthecupboard: Our little boy raids his china bunny bank Pictures by Ruth Caroline Eger
katinthecupboard: Straight out of Dickens Pictures by Ruth Caroline Eger
katinthecupboard: Those pennies made a very satisfying jingle in the china bank Pictures by Ruth Caroline Eger
katinthecupboard: God bless us, everyone! Pictures by Ruth Caroline Eger
katinthecupboard: The Poesytoes are fishing in the King's Fishpond
katinthecupboard: Liddy and Biddy
katinthecupboard: Look at Irene!
katinthecupboard: Here comes Rimskittle over the hill, over the hills and through the town...
katinthecupboard: Boy with lanterns
katinthecupboard: Rimskittle's Book Title page
katinthecupboard: Rimskittle's Book cover art by Milo Winter
katinthecupboard: Sober draws a sonnet in a strange jargon
katinthecupboard: Let's play something fun!