katinthecupboard: Student's Song illustrated by Grace G. Wiederseim
katinthecupboard: June from the Bumper Book illustrated by Eulalie
katinthecupboard: Bed in Summer ill by Marion H. Matchitt
katinthecupboard: At the Seaside ill by Marion H. Matchitt
katinthecupboard: Who likes milk? ill by M. Davis
katinthecupboard: Summer on the farm ill by M. Davis
katinthecupboard: The automobile is going fast! ill by M. Davis
katinthecupboard: The bicycle teaches Teddy a lesson Pictures by Ruth Caroline Eger
katinthecupboard: Where your sand castle went overnight....by Marjorie Howe Dixon
katinthecupboard: Where do sand castles go illustrated by Helen F. Lyon
katinthecupboard: It is not safe to go swimming too soon after eating. ill by M. Davis
katinthecupboard: Betty's Wave illustrated by Grace G. Wiederseim
katinthecupboard: Boys will be boys! illustrated by Grace G. Weiderseim
katinthecupboard: boys sailing boats ill by Clara Atwood Fitts
katinthecupboard: July by Eulalie
katinthecupboard: Tiger Lilies illustrated by Marguerite Davis
katinthecupboard: David's mother finds him playing "plumber" in the dark of the box
katinthecupboard: The Grasshopper
katinthecupboard: Sing of Summer
katinthecupboard: Boy Blue and His Little Sister under the Maple Tree
katinthecupboard: Poor Martin...stared with wide open eyes into the gloom
katinthecupboard: Resting in a hammock is good for you! Illus by Vera Stone Norman
katinthecupboard: August was named after Augustus, the first of the Roman emperors
katinthecupboard: The Swing by Marion Humphreys Matchitt
katinthecupboard: My Shadow
katinthecupboard: The fishes have an easy time of keeping clean