katinthecupboard: Sun Babies cover illustrated by Geoffrey Hadenfeldt
katinthecupboard: Indian children head studies collage illustrated by Geoffrey Hadenfeldt
katinthecupboard: Let the Child come, said Rani Ma illustrated by Geoffrey Hadenfeldt
katinthecupboard: One darling sulky Baby illustrated by Geoffrey Hadenfeldt
katinthecupboard: Shubala and the old Priest-man illustrated by Geoffrey Hadenfeldt
katinthecupboard: The Adopted Son at the End of the Day illustrated by Geoffrey Hadenfeldt
katinthecupboard: The Imp ran in triumphant and carried off my plate illustrated by Geoffrey Hadenfeldt
katinthecupboard: The Picture which Kinga liked illustrated by Geoffrey Hadenfeldt
katinthecupboard: The Rose-baby had one incurable Vice. It was Kite-flying illustrated by Geoffrey Hadenfeldt
katinthecupboard: Unconscious Bridegroom illustrated by Geoffrey Hadenfeldt
katinthecupboard: Beloved Nursery Memory of her Moon-Baby
katinthecupboard: Brooks' letter from India
katinthecupboard: Paper Boats
katinthecupboard: A miniature from India