katinthecupboard: "There are turnip-hoers and turnip-hoers,
katinthecupboard: Turnip hoers repost from ookpgavemesight and katinthecupboard
katinthecupboard: Matti and his grandfather by M. Davis
katinthecupboard: A boy of Finland by M. Davis
katinthecupboard: I'm running away! ill by Charles Copeland
katinthecupboard: John studied first-aid at summer camp
katinthecupboard: Our Birthday Party ill by Frances Tipton Hunter
katinthecupboard: Teddy learns to apply the brakes Pictures by Ruth Caroline Eger
katinthecupboard: Teddy was very, very happy. ill by Ruth Caroline Eger
katinthecupboard: God bless us, everyone! Pictures by Ruth Caroline Eger
katinthecupboard: Those pennies made a very satisfying jingle in the china bank Pictures by Ruth Caroline Eger
katinthecupboard: Straight out of Dickens Pictures by Ruth Caroline Eger
katinthecupboard: Our little boy raids his china bunny bank Pictures by Ruth Caroline Eger
katinthecupboard: A penny for a lollypop Pictures by Ruth Caroline Eger
katinthecupboard: Preface illustrations
katinthecupboard: Surprise Stories front
katinthecupboard: There was the hen on the top shelf ill by Marjorie Howe Dixon
katinthecupboard: The Bake Shop
katinthecupboard: Joe's Letter illustrated by Grace G. Weiderseim
katinthecupboard: The great roller-skating race
katinthecupboard: Before skate boards, there were roller skates
katinthecupboard: Frank is solving the problem of the new backyard
katinthecupboard: The cart donkey wins high honors in the donkey race.
katinthecupboard: Good posture inspires confidence
katinthecupboard: His third and last try
katinthecupboard: Summer camp gives us a healthy appetite
katinthecupboard: August by Eulalie
katinthecupboard: Health Stories Book Two raking leaves
katinthecupboard: The Little Red Schoolhouse