KatieWeber: We have a crib!
KatieWeber: Booties that match all our UW gear!
KatieWeber: Rocking chair for the baby
KatieWeber: Success!
KatieWeber: Me too
KatieWeber: Howard Pierce mama bear + cub
KatieWeber: Savannah, Katie and the hockey skate booties
KatieWeber: Wow, she knitted these...they are awesome
KatieWeber: Maggie, grandma, Katie and the great-grandkids-to-be
KatieWeber: Tamara took copious notes
KatieWeber: Mom, Grandma, Katie, Nancylee
KatieWeber: Cake artfully decorated by Nancylee
KatieWeber: Thanks mom & dad!
KatieWeber: Baby hat and monkey blanket
KatieWeber: New burp cloth version
KatieWeber: Nate got stuff set up while I'm enjoying my enforced hospital stay
KatieWeber: Nate's project this weekend