KatieTT: Carl, camera - Niagara cafe, Gundagai
KatieTT: Margaret and Carl, Niagara cafe, Gundagai
KatieTT: Niagara cafe, Gundagai
KatieTT: 13, Niagara cafe, Gundagai
KatieTT: Niagara cafe, Gundagai
KatieTT: Lunch. Carl and Carl's mum, Margaret
KatieTT: Lunch on the way to Maldon, Isabel
KatieTT: Canola from the car
KatieTT: Isabel's room, Bushell's loft apartment, Maldon
KatieTT: Carl at Bushell's loft apartment, Maldon
KatieTT: Carl, glasses, Bushell's loft apartment, Maldon
KatieTT: Carl at Bushell's loft apartment, Maldon
KatieTT: Carl, mirror at Bushell's loft apartment, Maldon
KatieTT: Carl at the back door, Bushell's loft apartment, Maldon
KatieTT: Looking down into lower ground floor area, Bushell's loft apartment, Maldon
KatieTT: High windows, Bushell's loft apartment, Maldon
KatieTT: Front window, Bushell's loft apartment, Maldon
KatieTT: My feet, at Bushell's loft apartment, Maldon
KatieTT: Front window looking out from Bushell's loft apartment, Maldon
KatieTT: Isabel, Bushell's loft apartment, Maldon
KatieTT: Carl, Bushell's loft apartment, Maldon
KatieTT: Carl's worn Converse
KatieTT: 11-6282-LT
KatieTT: Bushells, Door to Bushell's loft apartment, Maldon
KatieTT: 11-6285-LT
KatieTT: Bushells, Door to Bushell's loft apartment, Maldon
KatieTT: 11-6287-LT
KatieTT: Doors, Bushell's loft apartment, Maldon
KatieTT: Maldon Athenaeum Library
KatieTT: Front door, Maldon Athenaeum Library