Katie's small world: Blythecon UK 2011 London. Yours truly & Pam (Lawdedas) in the foyer.
Katie's small world: Blythecon UK 2011 London.
Katie's small world: This is the sight that greeted us...
Katie's small world: Blythecon UK 2011. Yours truly with Pam (Lawdedas), Nanette & Hazie.
Katie's small world: Blythecon UK 2011 - view from the stage steps.
Katie's small world: Bunny brooches made by A Little Stranger at Blythecon UK 2011.
Katie's small world: Leo's beautiful display at Blythecon UK 2011 <3
Katie's small world: Pen graciously agreed to have a consulting chair on her table, so that other Blythes could consult with her. Enid takes a seat...
Katie's small world: Blythecon UK 2011. Lovely hola Gominola custom girls.
Katie's small world: BlytheconUK 2011 - isn't she the most beautiful Middie you've ever seen?
Katie's small world: My 8th (and final) Blythe girl.
Katie's small world: Blythecon UK 2011 crowds.
Katie's small world: Freya's stall at BCUK 2011
Katie's small world: Enid meets Erica at BCUK 2011
Katie's small world: BCUK 2011 Goldie shoot - the out takes!
Katie's small world: BlytheconUK 2011 The Goldie photo shoot.
Katie's small world: Kirby, Kittie, Enid and Yuki relaxing after BCUK 2011.