katie g*: chickens in a front yard
katie g*: maura on the streets of brooklyn
katie g*: half a dozen doughnuts
katie g*: lunch with em
katie g*: crossing the brooklyn bridge
katie g*: midtown manhattan
katie g*: manu and maur on the bridge
katie g*: sisters on the bridge
katie g*: dumbo from the bridge
katie g*: nypd counterterrorism unit
katie g*: old building in dumbo
katie g*: the brooklyn bridge and last light
katie g*: manhattan bridge from dumbo
katie g*: lower manhattan from brooklyn bridge park
katie g*: no sitting on this stoop
katie g*: gravlax with dill and scallion cream cheese
katie g*: leaving manhattan
katie g*: lower manhattan
katie g*: thar she is
katie g*: manhattan, brooklyn, and the statue of liberty
katie g*: nj, manhattan, and brooklyn
katie g*: verrazano narrows bridge
katie g*: bridges
katie g*: she's a beaut
katie g*: with syl and liz after dinner
katie g*: pre-memorial
katie g*: the sibs
katie g*: 15 coolidge
katie g*: going to the water
katie g*: look who we ran into