katie g*: romania's (?) mountains from the plane
katie g*: lis on the street in bucharest
katie g*: tram and traffic
katie g*: cat entertainment
katie g*: happy cats
katie g*: mimi and the bear
katie g*: cats at rest
katie g*: spring from catalina's balcony
katie g*: building in bucureşti
katie g*: church among buildings
katie g*: cats on a futon
katie g*: cat on a monitor
katie g*: in the train compartment
katie g*: town seen from the route to braşov
katie g*: liked the look of this place
katie g*: one of many rainy days in braşov
katie g*: piaţa sfatului
katie g*: piaţa with the biserica neagră
katie g*: where do birds go when it rains?
katie g*: mt. tâmpa
katie g*: st. nicholas' church
katie g*: painting in a cemetery
katie g*: cemetery
katie g*: synagogue in braşov
katie g*: tea at cafeteca
katie g*: traffic and rain
katie g*: the market at piaţa astra
katie g*: making pizza dough
katie g*: alex cutting the pizza
katie g*: and then it snowed