katieforeman2010: White-fronted Geese, road to White Lake Conservation Area, LA
katieforeman2010: White-fronted Geese, road to White Lake Conservation Area, LA
katieforeman2010: Fulvous Whistling Ducks Hanging with Black-bellied Whistling Ducks, LaCassine NWR, Louisiana
katieforeman2010: Black-bellied Whistling Duck, Lacassine NWR, LA
katieforeman2010: Black-bellied Whistling Ducks, Lacassine NWR, LA
katieforeman2010: Black-bellied Whistling Ducks, Lacassine NWR, LA
katieforeman2010: Black-bellied Whistling Ducks, Lacassine NWR, LA
katieforeman2010: Black-bellied Whistling Ducks, Lacassine NWR, LA
katieforeman2010: Black-bellied Whistling Ducks, Lacassine NWR, LA
katieforeman2010: Mottled Ducks, Outside Entrance to Lacassine NWR, LA
katieforeman2010: Blue-winged Teal, Green-winged Teal, Northern Shovelers, Lacassine NWR, LA
katieforeman2010: Northern Shoveler, entrance to Lacassine NWR, LA
katieforeman2010: Northern Shoveler, Lacassine NWR, LA
katieforeman2010: Northern Shoveler & Green-Winged Teals, Entrance to Lacassine NWR, LA
katieforeman2010: Female Teal, Outside Entrance to LaCassine NWR, LA
katieforeman2010: Northern Shovelers, Outside Entrance to LaCassine NWR, LA
katieforeman2010: Northern Pintails, Cameron Coast, Louisiana
katieforeman2010: Pie-billed grebe, Lacassine NWR, LA
katieforeman2010: Brown Pelican, Cameron Beach, LA
katieforeman2010: Neotropic Cormorant, White Lake Conservation Area, Louisiana
katieforeman2010: Neotropic Cormorants, LaCassine NWR, LA
katieforeman2010: Anhinga, Lacassine NWR, LA
katieforeman2010: Great Blue Heron, Rutherford Beach, LA
katieforeman2010: Great Egret, Lacassine NWR, LA
katieforeman2010: Cattle Egret, LaCassine NWR, LA
katieforeman2010: Snowy Egrets, Lacassine NWR, LA
katieforeman2010: Little Blue Heron, Lacassine NWR, LA
katieforeman2010: White-Faced Ibis, Near Entrance to Lacassine NWR, LA
katieforeman2010: White-faced Ibis, Lacassine NWR, LA
katieforeman2010: White-Faced Ibis, Near Entrance to Lacassine NWR, LA