katieforeman2010: Virginia Rail, Monte Vista NWR, CO
katieforeman2010: Ruddy Duck, Monte Vista NWR, CO
katieforeman2010: Ruddy Duck, Monte Vista NWR, CO
katieforeman2010: Ruddy Ducks, Monte Vista NWR, CO
katieforeman2010: Ruddy Duck, Monte VIsta NWR, CO
katieforeman2010: Ruddy Duck, Monte Vista NWR, CO
katieforeman2010: Yellow-Headed Blackbird, Monte Vista NWR, CO
katieforeman2010: Yellow-Headed Blackbird, Monte Vista NWR, CO
katieforeman2010: Yellow-Headed Blackbird, Monte Vista NWR, CO
katieforeman2010: Yellow-headed Blackbird, Monte Vista NWR, CO
katieforeman2010: Yellow-headed Blackbird, Monte Vista NWR, CO
katieforeman2010: Yellow-Headed Blackbird, Monte Vista NWR, CO
katieforeman2010: Swainson's Hawks (Dark Morphs), Road to Monte Vista NWR, CO
katieforeman2010: Swainson's Hawks (Dark Morphs), Road to Monte Vista NWR, CO
katieforeman2010: Pied-billed Grebe, Monte Vista NWR, CO
katieforeman2010: American Coot, Monte Vista NWR, CO
katieforeman2010: American Coots, Monte Vista NWR, CO
katieforeman2010: American Coot, Monte Vista NWR, CO
katieforeman2010: Coots, Monte Vista NWR, CO
katieforeman2010: Coots, Monte Vista NWR, CO
katieforeman2010: Coots, Monte Vista NWR, CO
katieforeman2010: Redhead and Ruddy Ducks, Monte Vista NWR, CO
katieforeman2010: Cinnamon Teal, Monte Vista NWR, CO
katieforeman2010: American Avocets, Monte Vista NWR, CO