kcrowley: Tailgating @ car show... don't ask.
kcrowley: Nitrous Oxide... really?
kcrowley: Cookie cutters
kcrowley: Gingerbread boys, girls & cats
kcrowley: Mt. Snow . October
kcrowley: IMG_0989.JPG
kcrowley: IMG_0990.JPG
kcrowley: IMG_0991.JPG
kcrowley: IMG_0993.JPG
kcrowley: IMG_0994.JPG
kcrowley: baby's first day of work
kcrowley: IMG_1002.JPG
kcrowley: Big dig.. bustin' a move
kcrowley: Construction of tree in rockefeller center
kcrowley: french bistro
kcrowley: No data
kcrowley: Denny Danger
kcrowley: Late night karaoke
kcrowley: Tricia arrives!
kcrowley: Fanno
kcrowley: The bet
kcrowley: When will Katy get married?
kcrowley: Me: Nov 07 ; Sara Jan 07 ; Katy: Jan 08?
kcrowley: Rockefeller center xmas tree lighting
kcrowley: IMG_1049.JPG
kcrowley: Tree
kcrowley: Standing for 3 hours..