kcrowley: Carolina Inn
kcrowley: Re.seating
kcrowley: 3 of 5 Brides-guards
kcrowley: Mama Naj dance lessons
kcrowley: Pre.rehersal pre.gaming
kcrowley: Bana & Matt.. practicing
kcrowley: Bana et Moi
kcrowley: $10,000 of makeup
kcrowley: Michelle hitting on the Grandfather
kcrowley: Michelle chugging jelly beans
kcrowley: "I found a golden ticket"
kcrowley: Sassy
kcrowley: Our lover, Bob (probably now fired)
kcrowley: Cheesecake leftovers
kcrowley: The infamous star box
kcrowley: Room at the Carolina Inn
kcrowley: Too many curls
kcrowley: Curly girls
kcrowley: Legit?
kcrowley: Bana's hair
kcrowley: Mama Naj helping out with the crowning
kcrowley: Signing of the shoe. I don't think it'll work for me
kcrowley: Our bride!
kcrowley: Detail
kcrowley: Michelle, Susan, Keala, & me
kcrowley: Ceremony room