kcrowley: Late night flight to London
kcrowley: Outside Jackie's Apt
kcrowley: Seeing J for the 1st time in 3 months.
kcrowley: Madeline Love
kcrowley: Crousty Choco as a b.day present
kcrowley: Getting ready for the day
kcrowley: Jackies b.day breakfast - chocolate croissant from Strasbourg
kcrowley: My first stop in London
kcrowley: Jackie loves her Cadbury
kcrowley: Apple store
kcrowley: Fake snow
kcrowley: Covent Garden
kcrowley: B.day dinner at Wagamamas
kcrowley: To jackie's 21st
kcrowley: Gotta love Groban
kcrowley: Do I know you?
kcrowley: Or you?
kcrowley: Or you guys?
kcrowley: Doug, half smily, & David
kcrowley: Already drunk
kcrowley: Jackie, Rin & moi
kcrowley: Random run in with l.karis (who was studying in Madrid)
kcrowley: Hip hop dance party
kcrowley: Me and J