kcrowley: A little pregaming in the car before the bootleg formal
kcrowley: AB, sassing up in her bed..
kcrowley: Taping. Necessary.
kcrowley: R.C. drinking at theta (not acceptable?)
kcrowley: .. but why stop there.
kcrowley: so we take out the flask
kcrowley: and become the most sketch people ever
kcrowley: delt
kcrowley: too cold outside, no problem
kcrowley: drinking in the doorway
kcrowley: Questionable
kcrowley: Convincing Gavin to come to the formal (no he did not have a date)
kcrowley: Dani, proceeding to drink the colored water.. and then pour in on the floor.
kcrowley: Katz and Timmy
kcrowley: RC, phone, talking to his mom (?)
kcrowley: yeah, i'm wearing clothes
kcrowley: My broken glass from hitting bottles
kcrowley: Tripple fisting (?)
kcrowley: Off centered
kcrowley: Legit wasted
kcrowley: Was I standing on a chair?
kcrowley: Obviously, i was. (another) hip hop dance party
kcrowley: Cute (obviously not enough tape on dani's dress)
kcrowley: Confused (seems to be the general theme of my pictures)
kcrowley: Gavin, doing.....?