kcrowley: Sexy
kcrowley: Requesting...
kcrowley: .... make you own type of music (?)
kcrowley: Consolidation
kcrowley: Happy hour, Sheraton
kcrowley: Why did they paint that wall BRIGHT yellow? Stooopid
kcrowley: Ugh, best game ever
kcrowley: Erin's got puff cheeks
kcrowley: Blow, bitch
kcrowley: Fox et moi
kcrowley: Pumpkin straw
kcrowley: Fox not wanting to answer ______'s phone call
kcrowley: Fox talking to some girl who was jealous of Fox talking to Seth
kcrowley: Random theta runin in the bathroom
kcrowley: AJ ... as pokey?
kcrowley: Hands down, best costume. ET phone home