mtkatiecakes: Still flowing at a nice pace - 170:365
mtkatiecakes: Nightly Boil
mtkatiecakes: radish seed pods
mtkatiecakes: Cold weather garden harvesting. Why not use rutabagas instead of potatoes in some beet & cabbage borscht? #gardening
mtkatiecakes: Sarah's Elderberries
mtkatiecakes: Elderberries
mtkatiecakes: Elderberry picking
mtkatiecakes: The nights are cooling down and the end of the garden is near but so much still out there that will survive the coming frost. #gardening
mtkatiecakes: Mother Nature has a sense of humor too or maybe it's just how my mind works.
mtkatiecakes: Can we talk about the size if those hubbards? #gardening
mtkatiecakes: upload
mtkatiecakes: And just like that... Fall
mtkatiecakes: A very small percentage of the winter squash. @jxh1331 - look at that sweet meat!
mtkatiecakes: This garden, this year just wow. #gardening
mtkatiecakes: Cabbage
mtkatiecakes: It might be peasant food but we feel like royalty.
mtkatiecakes: Saving seeds from this year's favorites.
mtkatiecakes: Jacob's cattle bean: a good first harvest with more still drying on the bush. #gardening
mtkatiecakes: Snow white carrots #gardening
mtkatiecakes: Arikara yellow beans - a nice harvest that now needs shelling. #gardening
mtkatiecakes: The Hubbard squashes are huge. #gardening
mtkatiecakes: Colorful hot peppers
mtkatiecakes: Harvesting
mtkatiecakes: A Handful
mtkatiecakes: These are white currant tomatoes. White in the blossom end but more yellow overall - grown from my own saved seed. First tomato seed success!
mtkatiecakes: The hungarian heart tomato is most definitely heart shaped.
mtkatiecakes: Rutabagas for dinner
mtkatiecakes: Let the jalapeno smoking begin
mtkatiecakes: Such amazing things happening in the Two Frog Garden.
mtkatiecakes: Look who showed up