Katie and Michael: Isle of Skye
Katie and Michael: Eilean Donan Castle
Katie and Michael: K & M with Scottish Cow
Katie and Michael: Firth of Forth Bridge
Katie and Michael: Stirling Bridge - Braveheart country
Katie and Michael: Royal Mile at Sunset - Edinburgh
Katie and Michael: Scottish Village
Katie and Michael: Reflections at Glen Coe
Katie and Michael: Walking around the mountains near Glen Coe
Katie and Michael: Edinburgh Castle
Katie and Michael: Haggis...yuck
Katie and Michael: Fleshmarket Close
Katie and Michael: Celtic Burial Site
Katie and Michael: Our tour group
Katie and Michael: Edinburgh Tattoo
Katie and Michael: Holyrood Palace - where Mary Queen of Scots lived
Katie and Michael: St Andrews Abbey
Katie and Michael: St Andrews Golf Course Bridge
Katie and Michael: Fishing Boat, Isle of Skye
Katie and Michael: Edinburgh Castle
Katie and Michael: Edinburgh Castle
Katie and Michael: Mum and Barbara, Salisbury Crags
Katie and Michael: Hamish the Hairy Coo
Katie and Michael: Fishing Boats, Isle of Skye
Katie and Michael: Portree, Isle of Skye
Katie and Michael: Blair Castle, Scotland