andersenKT: sunrise from 35,000 feet
andersenKT: rain off of starboard
andersenKT: colorful sky
andersenKT: mountain and river and sky
andersenKT: laying down on the job
andersenKT: This one's for Phillip :)
andersenKT: trolley to the ends of the earth
andersenKT: front seat to a view of the world
andersenKT: in the grand scheme of things, we are very small
andersenKT: twisted
andersenKT: red rock blue sky
andersenKT: twisted 2
andersenKT: Garden of the Gods
andersenKT: white rock
andersenKT: in the shadow of the kissing camels
andersenKT: death defying
andersenKT: lifeline
andersenKT: driving through the clouds
andersenKT: moving sky
andersenKT: hanging lake
andersenKT: hanging fish
andersenKT: calcified
andersenKT: knotty
andersenKT: spiral
andersenKT: for ever and ever
andersenKT: big sky
andersenKT: Phillip at the summit