phrenzel: bearded bike rider Firenze
phrenzel: Young Woman in a coffee shop2017
phrenzel: back streets Lucca
phrenzel: theft deterrent Florence
phrenzel: Leaving New York
phrenzel: Poker Face - Chinatown NYC
phrenzel: ciao bella
phrenzel: and now for something completely different
phrenzel: A shop keeper cleans her stoop #2 Florence
Evgeniy Khalin: Moscow 2017
f_lynx: Vladimir Sokolaev
f_lynx: Oleg Nikishin
f_lynx: Andrey Bezukladnikov and Denis Borisov-Ris magnified...
f_lynx: -25°C-ish
f_lynx: sisters...
f_lynx: reading...
f_lynx: two...
f_lynx: through shadows...
f_lynx: 2+2
f_lynx: passing by, taking pics, confused lines and shoes...
f_lynx: in a screen in a shadow...
f_lynx: lost...
f_lynx: passing...
f_lynx: four watching...
f_lynx: crossing...
f_lynx: a long day....
TheJennire: Isadora
stavrosstam: IMGP4312-stavrosstam