kathyvr: "It's not a tu-mah!"
kathyvr: Crush
kathyvr: Anemone (and Nemo)
kathyvr: trying to hide
kathyvr: ...stop following me...
kathyvr: Uh-oh
kathyvr: Rainbows
kathyvr: turtle fins
kathyvr: Red 'rents
kathyvr: I've only got eyes for you
kathyvr: Lorikeet
kathyvr: What'chu want?
kathyvr: fishes
kathyvr: Feeding time
kathyvr: Greenie
kathyvr: Jell-o
kathyvr: Starbursts and dots
kathyvr: Jelly-oh
kathyvr: Rose jelly
kathyvr: I'll take it.
kathyvr: She's all pissed that the paparazzi found her here.
kathyvr: I am a golden god.
kathyvr: mah feets
kathyvr: mah face
kathyvr: Hello ladies. Like what you see?
kathyvr: A victory of Pinterest Proportions
kathyvr: Happy Pride Weekend, L'Ville!
kathyvr: Roomies!
kathyvr: The gang. After we jumped in at the end of the parade.
kathyvr: Balloon Butts!