kathyvr: Skittish
kathyvr: curious cow
kathyvr: Moooo!!
kathyvr: shy lil guy
kathyvr: Spring is Sprunging
kathyvr: It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade.
kathyvr: Let sleeping beh-beh goats lie.
kathyvr: Lounging Beh-beh goat
kathyvr: just sitting there being cute
kathyvr: barnside
kathyvr: trot
kathyvr: I am....the Girl Who Stares at Goats
kathyvr: whatchu lookin' at!
kathyvr: pods
kathyvr: Moody
kathyvr: "The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes."
kathyvr: berries
kathyvr: glowy
kathyvr: "If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant."
kathyvr: Beam Brew
kathyvr: Beam Barn
kathyvr: Visitors!
kathyvr: Beam Barrels
kathyvr: Blue Red Green
kathyvr: Good Advice
kathyvr: Maker's House
kathyvr: Maker's Mark Distillery
kathyvr: Maker's Tower
kathyvr: Leave a Mark
kathyvr: Tastings