Kathy Groves: market place in San Salvador
Kathy Groves: driving through El Salvador to Honduras
Kathy Groves: local market in El Salvador
Kathy Groves: PICT0028.JPG
Kathy Groves: El Salvador town
Kathy Groves: PICT0030.JPG
Kathy Groves: PICT0031.JPG
Kathy Groves: PICT0032.JPG
Kathy Groves: cow in road on the way to Honduras
Kathy Groves: trucks waiting to go across the bouder into Honduras
Kathy Groves: our guide van through El Salvador, Guatamala, & Honduras
Kathy Groves: touring van
Kathy Groves: bouder crossing from Guatamala tot Honduras
Kathy Groves: PICT0039.JPG
Kathy Groves: Hotel in Copan
Kathy Groves: Phil in front of restaurant in Copan
Kathy Groves: street in Copan
Kathy Groves: restaurant in Copan
Kathy Groves: tucan in Copan restaurant
Kathy Groves: tucan in restaurant in Copan
Kathy Groves: street in Copan
Kathy Groves: tuctuc in Copan
Kathy Groves: pouring rain in Copan
Kathy Groves: ride in tuctuc in Copan
Kathy Groves: cocoa tree in Copan
Kathy Groves: street in Copan
Kathy Groves: tuctuc in Copan
Kathy Groves: HOTEL IN COPAN