Kathy Groves: touring van
Kathy Groves: street in Copan
Kathy Groves: tuctuc in Copan
Kathy Groves: Phil and birds
Kathy Groves: Maya ruins
Kathy Groves: Kelly and Koken boys
Kathy Groves: lakeside town of San Antonio
Kathy Groves: bench I bought in San Antonio
Kathy Groves: fabric I bought in SAnta Rosa
Kathy Groves: ride to our hotel in Antiquia
Kathy Groves: wax from candles at Kacao restaurant
Kathy Groves: restaurant in Santa Ana
Kathy Groves: downtown Santa Ana
Kathy Groves: stopping for bananas
Kathy Groves: coffee beans on bush
Kathy Groves: flower made into a doll
Kathy Groves: Kelly with coffee beans
Kathy Groves: Nicholas w/Machete
Kathy Groves: town covered w/ash: Joya de Cerén
Kathy Groves: market place in San Salvador
Kathy Groves: making sausage in the market place in Santa Tecla
Kathy Groves: dock at Barillas: Kelly's dingy
Kathy Groves: Guillermo and girls at coffee market
Kathy Groves: coffee tasting spitoon
Kathy Groves: market place in San Salvador
Kathy Groves: driving through El Salvador to Honduras
Kathy Groves: local market in El Salvador
Kathy Groves: PICT0028.JPG
Kathy Groves: El Salvador town
Kathy Groves: PICT0030.JPG