kathyelizabeth: sunbathing bliss
kathyelizabeth: this holiday makes my feet happy
kathyelizabeth: sunshine delicious
kathyelizabeth: good omen mantis
kathyelizabeth: welcome home mantis
kathyelizabeth: max takes a photo at the airport
kathyelizabeth: max's mum
kathyelizabeth: overcast blue lake
kathyelizabeth: on the way to hamurana spring
kathyelizabeth: green in the undergrowth
kathyelizabeth: evil swan approaches on the clearest spring stream
kathyelizabeth: i can recommend floating aimlessly into the middle of blue lake
kathyelizabeth: the captain carries the SS Intex down to launch
kathyelizabeth: under the government gardens wisteria fairy house
kathyelizabeth: grass is never just grass
kathyelizabeth: nine and half months pregnant and still blowing bubbles
kathyelizabeth: bubble love
kathyelizabeth: kung fu tomato
kathyelizabeth: the first tomato i have grown in 2 years
kathyelizabeth: indie meets horraace
kathyelizabeth: bathtime
kathyelizabeth: bathtime
kathyelizabeth: droplets on sweetpeas
kathyelizabeth: broken down old tutu
kathyelizabeth: tutu rinsing
kathyelizabeth: three laugh