Kathryn Pritchett: Lindy Palfryman and Mary Ann Cropper find a perfect spot for an auxiliary powwow
Kathryn Pritchett: Dick Alder gets up early to help with the drive
Kathryn Pritchett: Margaret Wickel says she likes the easy service projects like blood donations and "geckos"
Kathryn Pritchett: Karen Palmer relaxes at her station
Kathryn Pritchett: Deena McClain and Harry Johnson share the joy of giving
Kathryn Pritchett: Harry Johnson first gave blood years ago during a military stint
Kathryn Pritchett: Kathryn Pritchett appreciated her technician's expert care
Kathryn Pritchett: Snacks with friends and a free t-shirt--who wouldn't want to Be a Giver?
Kathryn Pritchett: Betty Johnson mans the sign in table and welcomes daughter Julie and granddaughter Josie
Kathryn Pritchett: Julie Ritzman is happy to help!
Kathryn Pritchett: Former First Warder Darryl Rains with Public Affairs' Marilyn Wright
Kathryn Pritchett: Is that a "hello" or a "cease and desist" gesture, Ron?
Kathryn Pritchett: Ronika and Ron McClain are in the house!
Kathryn Pritchett: Will Pritchett's first time donating blood