Kathryn Willis: Hello Chibi Usagi
Kathryn Willis: Sitting in Seto Shrine
Kathryn Willis: Soaking in the spiritual atmosphere
Kathryn Willis: Waiting for the train
Kathryn Willis: Deciding on a drink
Kathryn Willis: Chibi Usagi and a Christmas Tree
Kathryn Willis: Yummy Florida Goodness
Kathryn Willis: Someone Else's Christmas Tree
Kathryn Willis: Almost as Big as Her!
Kathryn Willis: Chibi Usagi and Chibi Chibi Usagi
Kathryn Willis: Chibi usagi in a kimono
Kathryn Willis: Chibi Usagi's Sakura
Kathryn Willis: Chibi usagi
Kathryn Willis: Chibi usagi change purse
Kathryn Willis: Guest Bathroom
Kathryn Willis: Guest Bathroom
Kathryn Willis: Chibi usagi got a friend!