kathryn.weiss: Prolific peppers
kathryn.weiss: Prolific peppers
kathryn.weiss: Tired garden tomatoes
kathryn.weiss: Oven-dried tomatoes
kathryn.weiss: 10 lbs of tomatoes
kathryn.weiss: Half my garlic harvest
kathryn.weiss: Garden, July 2016
kathryn.weiss: "Chesnok Red" hardneck garlic
kathryn.weiss: "Chesnok Red" hardneck garlic
kathryn.weiss: "Muse" hardneck garlic
kathryn.weiss: Garden, June 2016
kathryn.weiss: Charming the scape
kathryn.weiss: Charming the scape
kathryn.weiss: Garlic scapes
kathryn.weiss: Ed in the garden
kathryn.weiss: Ed in the garden
kathryn.weiss: December tomatoes
kathryn.weiss: Final harvest
kathryn.weiss: Protection against 1st frost
kathryn.weiss: Frost harvest
kathryn.weiss: Dried tomatoes in EVOO
kathryn.weiss: Oven-dried tomatoes
kathryn.weiss: Soon to be sauce
kathryn.weiss: Harvest
kathryn.weiss: Dried basil
kathryn.weiss: Basil, drying
kathryn.weiss: Dried basil
kathryn.weiss: Basil ready to dry