Kathryn Dart:
we won't let go until you do, detail
Kathryn Dart:
we won't let go until you do, detail
Kathryn Dart:
we won't let go until you do
Kathryn Dart:
it could happen
Kathryn Dart:
it could happen, detail
Kathryn Dart:
it could happen, detail
Kathryn Dart:
healing song
Kathryn Dart:
healing song (detail)
Kathryn Dart:
healing song (detail)
Kathryn Dart:
Thread through the Labyrinth
Kathryn Dart:
Thread through the Labyrinth (detail)
Kathryn Dart:
Thread through the Labyrinth (detail)
Kathryn Dart:
Thread through the Labyrinth
Kathryn Dart:
The Illusion
Kathryn Dart:
The Illusion (detail)
Kathryn Dart:
The Illusion (detail)
Kathryn Dart:
The Illusion (detail)
Kathryn Dart:
The Illusion (detail)
Kathryn Dart:
The Illusion (detail)
Kathryn Dart:
everyone needs a little guidance, no. 3
Kathryn Dart:
nature is math
Kathryn Dart:
nature is math (side view)
Kathryn Dart:
star house
Kathryn Dart:
threadmini frame
Kathryn Dart:
red circle
Kathryn Dart:
red circle
Kathryn Dart:
thread through the labyrinth
Kathryn Dart:
Kathryn Dart:
yellow circle
Kathryn Dart:
purple circle