Kathryn Yu: Bedroom Before Painting
Kathryn Yu: The Office Before
Kathryn Yu: Bye Bye Blue Walls
Kathryn Yu: Taping and Tarping
Kathryn Yu: Taping Sucks
Kathryn Yu: Priming the Hallway to the Closet
Kathryn Yu: Priming the Walls
Kathryn Yu: Painting the Trim, Priming the Walls
Kathryn Yu: Painting the Ceiling
Kathryn Yu: Rolling the Ceiling
Kathryn Yu: Above the Bathroom Door
Kathryn Yu: Painted Walls, Taping off the Columns and Beams
Kathryn Yu: Taping off the Column and Trim
Kathryn Yu: Painted Walls and Column
Kathryn Yu: Taping Off the Brown Stripe
Kathryn Yu: Taping Above the Office
Kathryn Yu: View into the Closet Area and Bathroom
Kathryn Yu: Brown Stripe above Office Area
Kathryn Yu: Bedroom with Brown Stripe
Kathryn Yu: Taking off the Tape
Kathryn Yu: Office
Kathryn Yu: Office with Revival Mahogany Brown Stripe