Kathryn Yu: Murray's Cheese
Kathryn Yu: Classroom
Kathryn Yu: Plates of Waiting Deliciousness
Kathryn Yu: My Lovely Tasting Partner
Kathryn Yu: The Cheese Course
Kathryn Yu: Aperitivo: Bruschetta with Bonati Parmigiano Reggiano, white truffle oil, and arugula
Kathryn Yu: Our Hosts
Kathryn Yu: Fresh cheese course, cooked and pressed cheese course
Kathryn Yu: Preparing Kale
Kathryn Yu: Soft Ripened Cheeses and Washed Rind Cheeses
Kathryn Yu: Blue cheeses, triple crèmes
Kathryn Yu: Dried cherries, fig and almond cake, Largueta almonds, Bee Raw Sourwood Honey
Kathryn Yu: Accompaniments Close Up